Photographic Tours

Cape Town is a hub for the film and photographic industry, and it’s easy to see why. With countless locations and great weather, there’s a bounty of photographic treats. Join us for our photography tours, lead by international travel photographer, Paul Sutton.

About Paul

Paul’s experience as a photographer spans the best part of 2 decades and many different genres, but it is his work as a photography course provider and as a travel and fine art photographer for which he is best known. Combine this with the many gorgeous spectacles that Cape Town and the Western Cape offers, and guests are guaranteed a day full of wonderful sightseeing as well as many photographic tips from a pro.

Postcards of Cape Town Tour

Our Postcards of Cape Town tour is a full day, guided peninsula tour beginning and ending at the V&A Waterfront. From there we travel in a comfortable, air-conditioned mini-bus to numerous significant cultural and historical sites, as well as numerous specially picked vantage points, which are not specified on any other regular tour itineraries so that you can snap your own perfect postcard shots!

You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t need any particular special photographic equipment. Simply bring your own camera; even a current smartphone camera will be adequate for a day of postcard photography!

And when we say postcard photography, we mean postcards! You’ll get your best pictures compiled into a beautiful souvenir postcard booklet made of real postcards containing the very photos you took, shipped to your door. What a special way to experience and remember your stay in beautiful Cape Town.