Wine Tasting Tours

We offer a number of full-day premium wine tours covering various routes within the greater Western Cape wine regions.

Deluxe Constantia Valley Wine Tasting Tour

This gorgeous full day tour is a wine lover’s dream trip through the famed Contsantia Wine Route.  We follow the contour of the Table Mountain range, making the best use of elevated viewpoints and the golden morning sunlight to survey the vast landscapes below. En Route to our first farm we stop at the famed Rhodes Memorial positioned on the slopes of Devil’s Peak, above the world-renowned campus of the University of Cape Town, to gaze upon the greater Cape Town district and to learn a little about the history of settlement in the Cape and the origins of wine farming here, before heading to our first of five award winning wine farms nestled on the slopes of the historic Constantia Valley.

Wine farming in the gorgeous Constantia Valley

Wine farming in the gorgeous Constantia Valley

Our Deluxe Constantia Valley Wine Appreciation Tour includes:

  • Selected tastings at three farms in the region,
  • A VIP cellar tour
  • A chocolate and wine tasting,
  • A historical tour of Groot Constantia, the oldest and most significant estate in South Africa,
  • A visit to a fine art gallery
  • An à la carte Lunch
  • Following the sun, a late afternoon return-trip to Cape Town along the majestic Chapman’s Peak Drive, and Victoria Road
  • All transfers with a return trip to Cape Town.